Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Book Every Parent of a Dyslexic Child Should Read!

The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan
A Blueprint for Renewing Your Child's Confidence
and Love of Learning
by Ben Foss

This book is going to revolutionize how we talk about, and deal with, dyslexia.

There have only been a few books that excited Susan Barton, dyslexia expert, so much that she stayed up all night to read them. This is one of those very rare books.

Ben Foss, a successful adult with severe dyslexia, shares facts, advice, and strategies along with stories from his own life - and those of more than 400 other adults with dyslexia he has interviewed in the past few years - to create a blueprint for parents.

His theme is a child with dyslexia is not broken.

Parents must take a very active role in helping their child accept, understand, and embrace their dyslexia - so their child does not end up suffering from severe shame caused by feeling defective.

How? He starts by forcing parents to face and deal with their own fears and myths.

Then he shows them how to empower their child to dream big, deal with the school system, balance tutoring with accommodations and technology tools, become part of the dyslexia community - and so much more.

Released on August 27, this ground-breaking book is available in print, as a Kindle ebook, and on audio. To order it on Amazon, click here.

To learn more about Ben Foss, click here.

Friday, September 6, 2013

What is Rhythmic Movement Training?


Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT) is a motor training program developed by psychiatrist Harald Blomberg MD, based on the spontaneous rhythmic movements that are common to babies. Dr. Blomberg discovered that these spontaneous rhythmic movements are of fundamental importance to brain maturation, and lay down the foundations for neural pathway growth. Many people are familiar with the idea that crawling in infancy is important for future learning, but there are many other movement patterns, beginning in the womb, that are also important for future learning, as well as emotional, physical and social skills. RMT teaches the brain and body movements that it had not naturally acquired during development.

Rhythmic Movement Training is particularly useful for children and adults with challenges including ADD/ADHD, attention issues, dyslexia, coordination difficulties, developmental speech and learning delays, sensory processing disorders, and many other challenges.

Reflex integration consists of Neurodevelopmental Movement and other tools that develop and mature the body’s reflexes for optimal functioning. According to Dr. Blomberg, this improvement can be explained by the stimulation and linking up of different parts of the brain caused by the rhythmic exercises. Most of the movements are done on the floor, either with a partner or solo. Some movements involve light touch, and for younger children, many of the movements can be done playfully.

To be effective, the rhythmic movements need to be done consistently and often. Doing rhythmic movements regularly provides profound benefits and helps to increase functioning in the following areas:



Impulse Control

Muscle Tone

Sensory Processing

Motor Abilities


Learning Ability


Visual Skills

Speech and Language Development

Brain Connectivity

Physical Strength and Stamina

Muscle Control


The neurological effects of the rhythmic exercises are sometimes noticed after a short period of time, but the changes may not be lasting until the different areas of the brain have been sufficiently stimulated and linked up. This often takes a minimum of three to six months, and in children with severe challenges it could take a year or more of consistent movement. In addition, some children, especially those with ASD, need to be on a gluten and/or casein free diet to receive optimal effect of Rhythmic Movement Training.


Harald Blomberg M.D., is a specialist in psychiatry, with more than twenty years of experience helping children and adults with problems that include motor problems, attention deficit problems, learning disability and autism. Harald Blomberg teaches Rhythmic Movement Training and Reflex Integration in Sweden and all over the world.

Welcome to the Missing Piece

If you are the parent of a child with special needs or a learning disability then you know how difficult it can be to get answers to your questions. For many of us we have been disappointed when we were unable to find others who could help identify causes and solutions that help. This can be a lonely journey and that is why we are here. Our desire is that this would be a source of information, hope and humor for those of you who are struggling on the same path.
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